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8B Unit 1 Past and present 词组
8B Unit 1 Past and present 词组
作者:佚名    例题来源:转载    点击数:8943    更新时间:2011/2/24           ★★★   【字体:

8B Unit 1 Past and present 词组

1一个小时前                            an hour ago

2同某人一起玩                          play with sb

3在过去的一百年里                   over the past 100 years

4不同时期的运输                      transport at different times

5轻轨                                 light rail

6采访某人                             interview sb = have an interview with sb

7从那时起                             since then

8搬家                                 move house

9住在城南                            live in the southern part of town

10住在一起                           live together

11结婚                               get / be married

12镇中心                         in the center of town

13给我们买一套新房子                  buy us a new flat

14改变许多                               change a lot

15在过去                                  in the past

16小饭店                                  small restaurants

17….变成                              turn…into

18打牌                                      play cards

19下中国象棋                           play Chinese chess

20一家鞋厂                               a shoe factory

21水污染                                  water pollution

22过去常常做某事                    used to do

23被用来做                           be used to do

24习惯做                               be used to doing

25把废物倒入河中                    dump waste into the river

26废物中的毒素                       the poison in the waste

27杀死鱼和植物                       kill fish and plants

28一个非常严重的问题                  a very serious problem

29采取行动降低污染                take action to reduce the pollution

30干净多了                              much cleaner

31在某些方面                           in some ways

32开阔的空间                           open space

33看望我的一些老朋友             see some of my old friends

34搬出//                             move out of….. /into / to

35感到一点寂寞                        feel a bit lonely

36有时,时不时                        from time to time

37像以前一样经常                    as often as before

38镇的历史                              the history of the town

39非常了解某人                        know sb very well

40看到阳光镇的变化                see the changes to Sunshine Town

41修理十多辆自行车                 repair over ten bicycles

42在过去的一个世纪里             over the past century

43 喜欢展览                       enjoy the exhibition

44听说某事                          hear about something

45北京的过去与现在               Beijing’s past and present

46在那里呆整整一星期             stay there for a whole week

47 事实上                                 in fact

48 我看过的最好的模型            the best model I have seen

49 借给某人某物                       lend sb sth = lend sth to sb

50 例如                                for example

51 投入使用中                          be in service

52 乘汽车往返城镇                   travel to and from town by bus

53 在小学                                 in primary school

54送我去上学                           take me to school

55独自地                                on one’s own

56 有更多的空余时间                have more free time

57 有时间放松                          have time to relax

58 有同样的感觉                       have the same feeling

59 喜欢与聊天                       enjoy chatting with…

60 新鲜的空气                          fresh air

61 一个新的火车站                   a new railway station

62 现代化的生活                       a modern life

63 更快更容易                          faster and easier

64 带来许多好处                       bring many advantages

65引发许多问题                       cause many problems

66 你报告的题目                      the title of your report

67 最近的照片                          the recent photo

68 在钟楼的旁边                       next to the clock tower

69 不再                              not… any more= no longer / no more

70 一个新的旅游景点                a new tourist attraction


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