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7B Unit 1 Dream homes 例题讲解
7B Unit 1 Dream homes 例题讲解
作者:佚名    例题来源:转载    点击数:14331    更新时间:2011/2/24           ★★★   【字体:

7B Unit 1 Dream homes

Comic strip ~Vocabulary



Which restaurant is your favourite?

                   (最大的那一家) is my favourite.

点拨:本题答案是The biggest oneone的一种重要用法是用来代替前面出现过的名词,以避免重复。如果代替的名词是复数,则用其复数形式ones。值得注意的是,one所代替的往往是前面提到的名词的同类事物中的一个,代替上文提到的同一事物时须用it。试比较:

Those coats look very beautiful. Will you buy one


Your coat looks very beautiful. Where did you buy it?



                    (泰国的首都) is Bangkok.

点拨:表示某个国家的首都要用“the capital of + 国家名称”结构,如the capital of China (中国的首都)the capital of Japan(日本的首都)等。本题答案为The capital of Thailand


You dont have to                   (爬梯子进入) the old house.

点拨:本题答案是climb a ladder to get intoclimb a ladder to get into…意为“爬梯子进入……”,与get intowith a ladder意义相近。


Everyone knows that the Chinese are very                    (友好的).

点拨:答案为friendlyfriendly是由名词friend + ly构成的形容词,常用于以下结构:be friendly to sb, 表示“对某人友好”。类似的短语还有be kind to sb (对某人和蔼/友好); be polite to sb (对某人有礼貌)。如:They are polite and friendly to all the visitors.



I lived         my classmates        a room when I was a Grade 8 student.

A. with; at             B. in; in      

C. at; in              D. with; in

点拨:live in…意为“住在……”,后接表示地点的词。live with…后面接名词或人称代词宾格,意为“与……一起居住”。答案为D


It rains        here. Youd better take your umbrella.

Thanks _____. I will.

A. a lot; a lot        B. lot of; lot of

C. a lot; lot of       D. lot of; a lot

点拨:rain作动词时,意为“下雨”,作名词时意思是“雨水”;a lot意为“很、非常”。表示“下大雨”用rain a lot / rain hard / rain heavily; 表示“雨水多”用lots of rain / much rain / a lot of rain; 表示“一阵大雨”用a heavy rain。本题答案为A


My parents often work hard       I sleep at night.

A. because          B. before   

C. after               D. while


Grammar ~ Checkout


Come to see me b       nine and ten oclock.


The teacher is sitting among the students. 老师坐在学生中间。

【例2】用in, onat填空。

1. They will arrive       Beijing by train        Sunday.

2. All the members of the team arrive        the park        six every morning.

3. We plan to arrive       the village        October.

点拨:答案为1. in, on2. at, at3. at, inarrive是不及物动词,意为“到达”。“arrive in/on/at+时间”意为“在某一时间到达”,in后常接年份、季节、月份等较大的时间范畴;on后常接具体的日期;at后常接某一个具体的时间点。“arrive in/at+地点”意为“到达某地”,in后常接较大的地点;at后常接较小的地点。


Hello. May I speak to Tom, please?

Yes, sir.       .       , please ?

A. This is Tom; Who are you?    

B. I am Tom; Who’s that speaking

C. I am Tom; Who are you?             

D. This is Tom speaking; Who’s that

点拨:答案为D。英语中打电话自我介绍时,用This is(speaking),而不用I am…。问“你是谁”时,不用Who are you? 而用Whos that (speaking/calling)?


What        your father       ?

He wears a pair of glasses. He is very helpful.

A. do; like            B. are; like  

C. is; like              D. does; like

点拨:答案为CWhat is sb/sth like? 意为“某人/某物是什么样的?”,用于询问外表或性格。What does sb like? 用于询问某人的喜好。



The boy is about        .

点拨:答案为1.5 metres tall。“数词+度量单位+long/tall…”结构可用于表示长度、身高等。


I have a cat. It has four white legs. (改为意思相近的句子)

I have a cat        four white legs.

点拨:答案为withwith意为“有……的、随身带着、与……一起、随着”。此时它的反义词是without 如:

The teacher came into the classroom with some books under his arm.


Some students often go to school without breakfast.




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